# Creating a system

# Definition

A system is a single function, So it can be:

  • a lambda
  • a primive function
  • a operator() methode

but It need to have this prototype void ()(Orchestrator &);

# Let create a move system

# 1. Create the prototype

void moveSystem(Orchestrator &data)

# 2. Chose the identity

Now we need to give a identity to our system.

What will give a identity to a system is, withc data he touch and what he do on hit.
So let start by the what:

  • this system will move all player by a speed in a the righ ( for doing run).
    with this we evalue witch component we need. for updating a player movement we need a entity who possese:
  • a composant player
  • a composant transform (contain all position relative data)
  • a composant Velocity (if we want to apply a acceleration system in the next par)

# 3. get a components

When writing your system you will need to get data from the core. For this use the public methode get_component() with the type of component you want in the template params. Next store the result in a Sparse_array<>& (same type as the get).

# 4. Iteration

nice you have the component list, now is time to use them. So we start by iterating on them and test if they exist.

A sparse_array is a container who store many component of the same type. for you understanding a entity represent a index in the array, if the index is empty the entity don't posses the composant.

# 5. Logic

aazezef if the condition to enter is complite, we execut some logical computing, like:

  • executing a other fonction
  • excuting some computing of data
  • printing some text ... etc;

# Let see the complite system Code

# Integration

Now you have your system and your component. next is to register them in the core for execute them in real time.

For register Component you need to implement in your game the fonction:

void registerComponents(Otter::Core::Orchestrator &orchestrator) Extern fonction define by the core
In this fonction you will register all type of component who existe

After, you will need to register system, so implement the fonction :

void registerSystems(Otter::Core::SystemManager &manager) Extern fonction define by the core
in this fonction you will be able to register systems in the core

see some exemple of implemnetation of the 2 fonction

The fonction for register are all listed in the doc of Orchstrator.

void shoot_system(Orchestrator &data)
sparse_array<component::Player> const &players = data.get_components<component::player>();
sparse_array<component::Event> const &events = data.get_components<component::Event>();

in less boilerplating way


auto const &player = data.get_components<component::player>();
auto const &events = data.get_components<component::Event>();
void shoot_system(Orchestrator &data) {

    for (int i = 0; player.size() != i; i++) {
       if (player[i]) {
    	  // Do something
    for (int i = 0; player.size() != i; i++) {
       if (player[i]) {
	     std::cout << Player[i].id << std::endl;
	     player[i].nbTatou += 1;
void shoot_system(Orchestrator &data)
 auto const &player = data.get_components<component::Player>();
 auto const &event = ...
 auto const

 if (event[0].shooting) {
   for (int i = 0; player.size() != i; i++) {
       if (player[i])
       	  if (player[i].bulletNbr < 2)
	     shoot_some(data, bullet, player[i], i);


void shoot_some(... &data, ... &bullet, ... &player, ... id)
 auto const &bullet = data.get_components<component::Bullet>();
 auto const &transform = data.get_components<component::transform>();
 auto const &dmg = data.get_components<component::stat>();

for (...) {
    if (bullet[i]){
       if (bullet[i].isOut()) {
          transform[i] = tranform[id];
          dmg[i].dmg = dmg[id].dmg
    auto &newEntity = data.createEntity();
    data.add_Component(newEntity, composant::stat(dmg[id]));
    data.add_Component(newEntity, composant::bullet(player.id_player, true));
    ... 	      (newEntity, composant::transform(transform[id]))