The OtterLib is a game library that allows you to build your game using an ECS engine.
A Ecs is a concept used for develop game with a more efficient way. Where a object don't store is data and fonction but only refer to them. Letting the place to store optimalment the data
A ECS is a concept of game engine where we split a game into 4 Part:
, System
and the engine/core.
Each element in the game is a ensemble of this 4 part.
- A basic element is a unique
.- Is propriete and data are difined in the
linked to isEntity
- Each Entity are update when they posses a
update by asystem
- a Core who manage/union all of the other
A entity not composed of composant but insted represent a class ID for searching all composant associed.
A composant is a data struct where we only put data and method to manage them in simple way.
Each Component are stored by type. in a Giant array for optimaz the loading of data.
A System is A function. (can be any type of fucntion)
It don't update a Entity in specific but a ensemble of Composant. in this way we generalise the comportement of the object need and create a fewer function to update them with logical.
The system respect the concept of functionnel and only do one task.
ex: Moving system, he apply the velocity to the trasform this system only do this to all the composant available